Finally Recess
Time to sit back and have a cup of coffee

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Deer Lease

We spent a weekend together with Jeff at his new deer lease. We had a great time and had very nice weather. Although we needed about 5 more pairs of socks for Brent, all in all it was a great weekend!
Jeff was able to cut branches and clear a path in his deer stand for bow hunting.
See all his hard work - not really!!!
We lounged.
Lounged and played in the dirt.
Rode on the four wheeler.
Played in the dog kennel.
Climbed on all the structures. And did I mention went in and out of the trailer, over and over, bringing in mud and dirt. Again. And. Again! Love my babies.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures! What fun, fun memories you're making for your babies :)
