Finally Recess
Time to sit back and have a cup of coffee

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sir Charming Chauncey

Today we made a hard decision, but the right one to put our dog, Chauncey to sleep.

He had a terrific life and picked up many, many birds. In one year alone he picked up over 400 birds in a hunting season. That is a good life for a hunting dog. In the picture above Chauncey is on the far right, Cali (our dog also) is next to him, and next to Cali is Star, Chauncey's daughter.
Chauncey turned 13 on January 5th.
Jeff has had him since he was in college and before he knew me. They were best buds.
Chauncey's quality of life has deteriorated and it was time to let him go.
He was such a good dog! Great with Caitlyn and Brent! We will miss him very much.


  1. Sweet memories of a faithful friend. I know it is very hard, but keep remembering the good times together with him. I think when we get to Heaven that the things we love the most will be in our mansion.
    Love you all.

  2. Chauncey was a great dog! We will miss him!!

  3. These pictures make me tear up. I am so sorry!! He lived a good, full life though.

  4. So sorry about Chauncey, it's a great loss. But he is out of his misery. Loyal to a fault, it was good that you were loyal to him in the end. You saved him a lot of "less than full days of life", which is no life at all. But what great memories of an absolutely great friend.

  5. I'll never forget the day you pulled up in the Duster, you in the driver seat and chaucey in the passenger seat, his head hanging out the window, maybe 3 years old at the time. I said, your going to have to keep that dog outside! Within a day or two he had already won me over, and before I knew it, we had 2 labs inside the house. So thankful for the countless hours I got to spend with you and him in the field; hunting, training, and just hanging out, and for qualities he passed down to Star. He was one of a kind and a great friend to many, as evidenced by the countless stories that will forever be told by hunters of the big chocalate lab that delivered beers hot September days. Im sure going to miss the old man.
