Finally Recess
Time to sit back and have a cup of coffee

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goodbye 2010/Hello 2011

What a year!  It flew by super fast.  Today on the way to lunch Jeff and I reflected on our highs and lows of the year. 

We both agreed that our high was Caitlyn starting kindergarten.  Jeff thoroughly enjoyed taking her to her first day of school and I just love having her at school with me every day.  It is just a blessing to be a teacher and getting to see my sweet girl every day.  She is beginning to read. everything.  It is so.!!!!  I love it!!

My low was losing Aunt Betty this year to cancer.  We saw her at the Fourth of July and 2 months later she passed away.  I still don't think that has truly set in, especially since we haven't gotten back to Missouri yet.

We did add two family members this year.  A really cute brown chocolate lab puppy who is now 6 months and still a little CRAZY (Sadie)!!  And most recently, like last week, we adopted our friends dog (also the daughter of Chauncey and Cali).  Our friend was moving into an apartment so we now have a beautiful black lab, Dixee.  Dixee is now sleeping with Caitlyn at night and in her words, "is a little wild".  Caitlyn is very excited about the new sleeping partner even though she ripped off Piglets eye and she thought is was "adorable" when she put her outside this morning and she started playing with Sadie.  This new transition will make it easier on Cali (age 11) because the stairs are too hard on her shoulders and she really needs to start sleeping downstairs. 

We started the morning off by opening up a lot of games: playing Operation, making a cake with the Easy Bake, playing some kind of game on the Connect Four (might take some time to get that concept), tea parties and so much more!  Then we went to the best restaurant ever, Chiloso.  Which is probably my newest tradition - start every year eating my first meal from Chiloso!  I guess I can never go out of town over the New Year!!

Lastly, it is pretty cool to hear that Caitlyn gets the whole concept of the months and years.  Yesterday was December today is January.  Yesterday was 2010 today is 2011.  Thank you Mrs. Penton!!  But then there is "tomorrow is Janaury, my birth month"  Thank you Papa!  We have a lot of celebrating to do.  Can't believe my baby will be 6 this month.

Happy New Year to all.  I hope this is your best year ever!!!  And no matter what happens, Brent would say (in kind of an old man voice, Texas drawl) "Ahhhh, it's okay."

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