It's time to figure out what my sweet darlings are going to be for Halloween! I love this picture. Brent was almost 2 months old and went through 2 outfits in 2 hours. And the glitter that filled my house from this costume, well... you can imagine. I remember it well.
Brent wants to be a Candy Corn. Hmmm. That comes in a girl costume only, so I think we are going to push the football costume! HA Caitlyn wants to be Jasmine. She just loved her at Disneyworld. I guess that means we need a black wig!
Things are getting better at the Rickert House. Writing works wonders. Dishes and laundry are on the upswing and there is a plan to do meal planning this weekend. Jeff is even on board to help with meal planning and grocery store shopping. I pray that it lasts for a while! He really does help me a lot (between hunting trips!!!)
He is fired up about some new tires and I'm trying my best to get on board and be excited. YAY! But it is just not a new pair of shoes.
Hope things are going well at your house too!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
5 days ago
I bought MC's costume a couple of days ago and was kind of an impulse buy, but things go fast a Costco and never return.