During our one our many days off last week we turned up the music and danced. Pretty soon, I began to make the kids my famous Kraft Mac n Cheese. I was shaking the box to the music and then everyone wanted a musical instrumental.
I dug out a couple cans and wooden spoons for drums.
Caitlyn quickly added a pluthera of other "instruments" and traded in her wooded spoons for spatulas.
Her musical act would change with each song. Her talents are many, she plays the spoons also!
Her final act! Her "shaker"
Brent wasn't into playing instruments right away. Instead of using the two small cereal boxes as drums or musical instruments he would rather kick them in the air to the music. I love this picture that shows the great action.
Brent did finally get into the playing the drums as his final act though.
It was a great time. The music was so loud and we had such a great time!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
5 days ago
You are getting pretty creative over there at the Rickert house! Love the new header!