Welcome back! Apparently I have been closed for a couple weeks. Sorry if this has caused an inconvenience for anyone. In fact, I'm not even sure if there is anyone still out there. If there is I would really love to here from you because I'm to the point that I'm really ready to give up blogging. Oh yeah, the reason I blog is because I don't scrapbook and to keep a record of my children's lives. It seems I don't follow through on anything.
Okay, I promise this isn't a pity party. I am really going to update you on our lives and maybe start posting blogs again.
Okay, I promise this isn't a pity party. I am really going to update you on our lives and maybe start posting blogs again.
Caitlyn is doing great. She is now not only recognizing the letter (capital A) A everywhere we go, she knows the sound it makes and can write it too. It is so fun. She can also write a smiley face and circle. When I catch her with a pencil and a piece of paper she tells me she is doing her "homework". My, my if she only knew what was ahead of her.
Brent is crawling in circles. He is trying so hard to get places and is only moving in circles. I feel his pain. Really I do. He can get across the room when he rolls. He is getting so big. He was 18 lbs a month ago. He will be 7 months next Wed. He is very alert, happy, and engaged in what others are doing. He rarely cries unless he is hungry or tired.
Jeff is going to the races tomorrow at the motor speedway. I believe that is Nascar. He is flying his dad in from Colorado who's a big fan. They are planning to cookout there, so we went to Walmart and bought the store out last night.
I continue to do numerous loads of laundry. Although I did go through Brent's clothes last night and weed out a huge amount of clothes that no longer fit him (which should mean less laundry, right?) I am going to be doing the same with my closet today (sometime?). I just realized I have 9 weeks until my summer vacation that I'll need to be in beach attire. YIKES!
I'm having Lasik eye surgery this Wednesday!!!! So the last 2 weeks have been the looooonnnnngggeesssttttttt weeks of my life. Since I wear gas permeable contacts I have had to go without my contacts to let my cornea reshape to it's original shape. Well my glasses that I wear only at night in the comforts of own home are in quite bad shape. They are broken. One side of my glasses are broken off. So I normally just wear them in bed to watch TV and when I've had to
run upstairs and check on the kids I just old my head sideways and it works. It's sad, because it's been this way for years. I know, I'm a procrastinator. Well, when I found out I was going to have to wear the glasses I wasn't going to pay money for two weeks and luckily I just got bangs cut on the right side of my face to cover the tape. Yes, I put tape on my glasses! But last night I got smart and decided to super glue my glasses. So far, so good. Jeff has welded my glasses twice but this last time it wouldn't work. I hope you are getting a good laugh - it is quite hysterical. The stinking part is that I'm seeing people that I normally see once or twice a year in this 2 week time period, go figure. Everyone says I look fine in glasses and you can't really see the tape and yada yada, but I'm so self conscious. I can't wait for Wednesday at 4:30 am.
At school we are making a class newspaper and it has been so much fun. We are having coffee and newspaper next Friday morning at 7:30. It should be interesting to see if I make it there on time. I will see if I can post a small version of the newspaper online without student names. It is turning out so well! I am really enjoying 4th grade.
Please do not quit posting! I have been checking in! I love reading about your life, and your little sweeties, too! You are my inspiration! (Music fades into background.)
ReplyDeleteDoes the world look odd when you have to hold your head to one side all the time? I am truly impressed that you are wearing tape on your glasses. You are growing up.
Tell Jeff we are jealous of the race.
Kisses all around. I promise to comment if you promise to blog!
I love your blog - please don't stop.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I know what's going on in your life and that I know your kids just a little bit.
How would I know that Jeff was so smart that he likes NASCAR too if you didn't blog??? And, I'm impressed that you had a pretty good idea of what race he was going to - a step in the right directions!
I look forward to hearing about your life!
Love you!
You look great in taped glasses or without. You are a cutie.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you explained that in the first picture Caitlyn is playing the piano with her feet, and via the phone in sounded pretty good.