Caitlyn has been in Little Gym (LG) since the beginning of the summer. It was a rocky start. I would say the root of her LG issues are social. However, I have perservered. I have taken her week after week even when I knew it would be a battle.
She has improved. Dramatically. Yet, I am wondering whether we have come to the end of the LG road.
I feel like I (she/we) stick out like a sore thumb. The teachers say it is all normal. That her behavior is normal! First of all, no three year behavior is normal! Right?
In short, she has trouble going into the classroom, even though she loves the teacher(s). She wants to watch from the door for many, long minutes. She chooses when she wants to listen, participate and stay with the group. I on the other hand require my classes to stay on task at ALL times, and they do. So my blood pressure goes through the roof during this hour. It drives me nuts to watch her naughty behavior. And it doesn't seem to bother the teachers at all.
So, I hope I have given enough information to get some feedback. What do I do? Do I stick with it? Does she need it? Have I left her out of the game too long and now she is socially behind? I'm afraid that she needs more structure, like ballet or some form of dance. But would that be too rigid? How do you know? BTW, she is in an at home daycare environment that we love.
I would love to hear your words of advice, encouragement, etc. Every Monday night this seems like a huge problem!
BTW, something good to know is that my dear daughter is stubborn, just like me. Maybe that is why we butt heads often?